Making A Will

A Will is a document that specifies how you want your property, earnings, and debts, if any, to be handled when you die. This ensures that your belongings and loved ones are looked after and protected.  


Anyone of sound mind and 18 years or older can make a will.  Making a will is important and it should be:

-    In writing;

-    Signed by you as the Will Maker;

-    Two witnesses, who are 18 years and over, in your presence so that each of you are witnessing each other. The witnesses must not be a beneficiary of the Will and neither their spouse or partner.

You can make your Will now. So, contact a lawyer who can assist you in creating a will that is both legally and correctly written.

Lawyer Services

We are dealing with Property Matters, Trust & Wills and Businesses.

Auckland law office


655 Mt Albert Road, Royal Oak, Auckland


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