
The story of Peter buying a home in Auckland

My name is Peter. I had been saving up for my dream home. I told my friend, Alex, about my plans, and he was the one who recommended Johnson Paul Lawyers to me.

I decided to contact Johnson Paul Lawyers as soon as I called the Real Estate Agent. It was the best decision I had made.

I was able to finalise the purchase without any complications, and it was stress-free. Today I am a proud owner of my dream home.

Thanks to Johnson Paul Lawyers for their guidance and smooth dealings.


As the Hebrew proverb says, "He is not a full man who does not own a piece of land". Purchasing a home is one of the most significant investments an individual makes. Due to the high financial involvement, there should be a little-to-no margin of error. Each step we take in the process needs to be impeccable.

The most appropriate course of action for a buyer is hiring a lawyer who can assist you with the legal skills and knowledge required when you take an important decision in purchasing your home. 

Background Information:- New Zealand property law allows only residents or citizens to own a property, but there are exceptions. In New Zealand, there are four forms of land ownership: freehold, leasehold, unit title, and cross-lease. A buyer can buy a property privately or with the assistance of a real estate agent. However, each option has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

What to Consider Before Buying a Property:- Before signing a contract, the buyer must acquire all available information on the property. The main includes LIM reports, building Reports, EQC claims and Toxicology Reports. The property should be valued based on the information gathered. When buying a home, it's critical to know what rights and benefits each party have. It is essential to understand all of the provisions in a Sale and Purchase agreement and any further terms of Sale that may be included.

Why Should You Involve a Lawyer?:- It's always a good idea to consult your lawyers when dealing with legal issues. Property-related problems are wisely handled by a property lawyer, which relieves you of your obligations and simplifies your job.

How Can a Property Lawyer Help You?:- As soon as you shortlist the property, involve your Lawyer. In the following ways, he can assist you: When you've decided on a property, your Lawyer can conduct a title check to see if there are any red flags, such as loan covenants, easement

agreements, notifications, caveats, and other issues.

Purchase price:-The property valuation is an unavoidable criterion when purchasing a property, and your Lawyer can assist you in evaluating the worth of the purchase you are about to make so that you are not duped.

Funds:- A lawyer can guide you through your KiwiSaver funds and Home-Start Grant Applications.

Translating the jargon:- Property transactions can include several paper works. These materials must be thoroughly reviewed and comprehended. A lawyer can assist you in clarifying the jargon used in the paperwork by interpreting it.

Sale and purchase agreement:- The sale and purchase agreement offer is prepared by the agent who works for the vendor. It is advisable to consult your Lawyer to ensure that the agreement is fair and truthful to protect both parties interests. Using your legal firm to its bestpotential requires effective communication with your Lawyer.

It's preferable that you provide as much information as possible to your Lawyer who works for you for your benefit. When you are unsure, ask questions.

A property lawyer is always available to assist you with any property-related questions or concerns. Contact JP LAW  as soon as possible. IT is

the most logical decision you can take to make your goals a reality.

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